Chrysler Valiant Chargers

Ford Holden Chrysler GM
RT Charger (SOLD)

Originally a 2 Barrel model, this car has been in the family since 1973. Engine has been upgraded to E49 specs, including Weber carbs. Car is genuine and in good condition. Call Harry for details 0407100666. View...

E38 R/T Charger (SOLD)

Vitamin C RT Charger E38, October 1971 build with optional A66 Exterior Dress Kit A87 Track Pack A95 Interior Dress Kit D53 3.23 LSD E38 6 Pack Engine Car Price: $35,000 View...

RT E38 Charger .. (SOLD)

You won't believe this car. Only 4000 miles since ground-up rebuild. 1971, Mercury Silver over black interior, manual E38. VH7S2900240 View...

RT Charger E49 (SOLD)

Excellent unrestored original condition E49 Charger. The car featured in the Wheels Magazine. Mustard Yellow 4 speed. 27,000kms. The One for the MOPAR collector. VIN VH7S2901112. One of 27 made in this colour. View...